Friday, April 17, 2015

Update #2

Here is another update-this one from the past week. We picked up Ron from the airport and went to Croix des Bouquets to show him some of the amazing artwork being done there. He had a safe trip here but was exhausted after coming from such a busy week before Haiti. 

Since his arrival we have gone to church (a fantastic service-I am always uplifted by Haitian church but this week God used an American pastor and Haitian pastor to bring His message even though neither knew the other would be there so no chance to collaborate. Gotta love it when the Holy Spirit is at work!); visited the community in Bas-Citronniers; visited the orphanage a few times; had a meeting with the leadership committee at Pastor Robbys church; and done many odd jobs around the base. We met, visited and are getting to know a young artist in Port au Prince. I have already contacted an artist friend of mine in Haiti who confirmed that the young man is quite gifted. God knows where He intends this friendship/meeting to go. We got to go look at (and show Ron) the piece of land I saw last June and have revisited/prayed about since only to find someone building upon it so He obviously closed that door. We have made more meetings and done phone calls to set up and/or confirm appointments for the rest of our days in Haiti this trip. Whew!!! 

The past few days have been a bit tough for me for many reasons-mostly because it breaks my heart every time I see/hear about a person or organization perpetuating the cycle of dependency that too many well-meaning people before us have created unintentionally. The longer you minister in this beautiful country and the more you get to know the people/culture, the more you realize the damage some cause and the more it grieves your heart (or should). Good intentions are not enough. Responsible ministry is tough. BUT...... just like parenting, each must do what He feels called to for those God has put in his path. Please pray that we always seek God as we seek to minister ALONGSIDE those God has brought our way!

Here are some photos from the past week.

The drive to Bas-Citronniers
Sone photos from the school there
Redgi helping the orphans write their pen pals-NOTE: we still have 25 orphans in need of sponsors!!
Ron with his buddy from December at the orphanage-Sodnise

 Today we have more meetings in Port au Prince, are dropping off food to the orphanage for a party tomorrow that we have been planning for months. The Nannies have been working with the children on an entire program to show us! Then, dinner with some missionary friends of ours. Tomorrow the party, Sunday eye exams for the orphans, Tuesday our vet visits Bas-Citronniers with us to talk about raising goats, etc...... Lots to do!!!

Friday, April 10, 2015

Trip so far...

Many of you know I am back in Haiti so I wanted to give an update of whats been going on so far on this trip. So far we have..... 

-visited the orphanage (meeting with the Nannies/paid them, meeting with pastor's son who is in charge currently/paid school tuition & April spinsorship, handed out translated sponsor letters, did a "walk-through" to see how things are going & check out improvements, etc).

            (Lorvencia with her letter)

-met with an eye doctor scheduled to do exams on the children at Life is Wealth during the week of April 19th. 

-visited the girls in Mirebalais (took them seeds to plant; went shopping at the market for food-none had eaten that day and they were only eating maybe once per day for a while now; had some great discussion about future plans/goals, orphanages vs. reunification with family, etc. they are planning to come stay with me for a week this summer!!

     (Jesula and her daughter)
  (Showing off all the food we got for about $50 US)

  (Shopping together and having "girl-time"-- they taught me a TON about shopping in a market in Haiti)

 (The countryside is so beautiful and peaceful-I love it there and thank God for the time away from the city)

-we have balanced receipts and filed reports from both Redgi & James. A LOT has happened since my last visit and wea are blessed to have the ministry in such capable hands when I am not here. 

-we have found out the bill (finally!!) for the hospital stay from the baby back in December/January. It came to about $600 US so we plan to pay that tomorrow. 

Overall, it has been a busy but BLESSED trip so far! Hard to believe it has only been four days-whew!!!